When it comes to making a salad, many people think about lettuce, tomatoes, and onions. However, there are different ways to make a salad. You need to embrace creativity. Making a salad is all about including things that will make your salad taste great and add nutrients to your body.
Salads are all about color, texture, and taste. Do not be afraid to go out your comfort zone and experiment with different types of vegetables. You will be surprised at how people will love an adventurous salad.
Add Protein to Your Salad
A mixture does not have to contain vegetables only. You can add some protein and especially if you are on a keto diet. A mixture that contains enough proteins will be a whole meal that you can take for lunch or dinner and feel fulfilled.
In case you are on a plant-based keto diet, you can add nuts in your salad for that boost of protein. For meat eaters, bacon, eggs, and even sausages are a great addition to your salad. Just make sure that you cut them into small bite-size pieces.
Choose the Right Salad Dressing
Salad dressings are not the devil in your diet. You need to enjoy taking your salad without being afraid of salad dressing. Making sure that you choose the right mixture is essential. Generally, we have light and creamy salad dressings.
When on a keto diet, do not be afraid of fat. Olive oil salad dressings are good for a light salad option. If you are looking for a creamy salad, consider an avocado salad dressing to give you the fat that you need.
Use Seasoning
Seasoning is essential when making a salad. Your salad needs to taste good, and you can do that by adding seasoning. One of the best ways to season your salad without compromising on your calories is to use herbs.
Herbs boost the taste of your salad, but they are not high in calories. Rosemary, thyme and black pepper are good for seasoning your salad.
Chill Your Salad
After making your salad, put your salads in a refrigerator. Chilling your salad for at least 30 minutes is a good way to make sure that you enjoy the taste. There is nothing as refreshing as taking a chilled salad in a hot afternoon. A salad tastes better when cold.…